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Our operations are underpinned by a commitment to the education of our people and the community

The community provides us with a social license to operate.

  • The Company has a Community Relations Officer based in Bacadéhuachi

We actively engage with the community in Bacadéhuachi:

  • The workforce will prioritise Sonora local residents

  • We will support local communities by creating local jobs and support functions

  • We have long established relationships with local communities

Education has been identified as a key enabler of employment for the community.

Future community engagement activities will focus on education and how Bacanora can productively assist future programmes.

We are grateful for the ongoing support of our local communities, and governments, and by remaining transparent throughout this crucial development phase we hope this continues.

The Company commissioned Solum in 2017/18 to produce an extensive baseline review and reports of Social and Community requirements and engagement.

The Company also has a number of local initiatives (new access road, educational assistance) in place to bring significant benefits to the local economy.




